Artists of the Ateneum - Akseli Gallen-Kallela

25,00 €


ATENEUMIN TAITEILIJAT -sarja esittää Suomen taiteen keskeisimmät klassikot uudessa valossa. Akseli Gallen-Kallelasta kertova kirja on kolmas Ateneumin taiteilijat -kirjasarjassa julkaistu teos. Sarjan muita taiteilijoita ovatHelene Schjerfbeck ja Hugo Simberg.

Kieli englanti.

Akseli Gallen-Kallela is one of Finland’s most famous artists. His art is thought to reflect the essence of the Finnish national character, but his sources were modern and international. Marja Lahelma leads the reader on a journey through the intriguing life of Gallen-Kallela, offering a wide array of perspectives on his art. 

Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1865–1931) was a highly original and prolific artist. He is best known for his Kalevala motifs, which depict universal aspects of the Finnish national epic. With sights set on an international career, the young and talented Gallen-Kallela enjoyed a cosmopolitan, bohemian lifestyle in the company of a wide circle of artist friends. 

The Ateneum Art Museum forms part of the Finnish National Gallery, which has over 450 works by Gallen-Kallela in its art collections as well as the artist’s letters and other material in its archive collections.

Kustantaja: Kansallisgalleria, Ateneumin taidemuseo, 2018.

Päätoimittaja: Susanna Pettersson.

Toimittajat: Aino Rajala (kustannusosakeyhtiö Parvs) ja Katja Ikäläinen (Ateneumin taidemuseo).

Kirjoittajat: Marja Lahelma.

ISBN: 978-952-7067-73-4

Koko 23,5 x 16,5 cm, 96 sivua.


Jokainen ostos tukee Kansallisgalleriaa