Alma Heikkilä - Kiasma Commission by Kordelin II
Alma Heikkilä at Kiasma 15.3.–28.7.2019.
Alma Heikkilä´s large-format paintings and multi-material installations materialize merged agential aspects of humans, non-humans and infrastructures affected by the various dimensions of the global ecological crisis. Working in an age of climate change and mass extinction, Heikkilä (b. 1984) seeks new and alternative ways to think and act.
Heikkilä is second artist in the Kiasma Commission by Kordelin series, a new production and promotion model for contemporary art, supported by the Alfred Kordelin Foundation. The series comprises one project per year. The works are included in the Kiasma collections.
- Publisher: A Museum of Contemporary Art Publications, 165/2019.
- Editor: Satu Oksanen.
- ISBN: 9789527067796
- Size: 20 x 29,5 cm, 60 pages.
- Softcover.
- Language English.