Kuin kotonaan - Feels Like Home
35,00 €
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Feels Like Home collection exhibition at Kiasma 12.1.2024 –12.1.2025.
Language Finnish and English.
This exhibition catalogue explores notions of home and belonging in contemporary art. Where does our sense of home come from, and what is it that makes us feel like we belong? What happens when that feeling is characterised by contradiction? These questions are considered through concepts like community, identity, nostalgia, memory, technology, corporeality as well as migration and its effects on indivisuals and communities.
Editors: Saara Karhunen, Saara Hacklin & Satu Oksanen.
Writers: Carmen Baltzar, Leevi Haapala, Saara Hacklin, Saara Karhunen, Satu Oksanen & Irina Poleshchuk.
Graphic design: Anna-Mari Tenhunen.
ISBN: 978-952-7371-70-1
Size 20 x 27 cm, 182 pages.
Languages: English and Finnish.