Fantasized Persons and Taped Conversations / Kuviteltuja henkilöitä ja nauhoitettuja keskusteluja
Eija-Liisa Ahtila´s Fantasized Persons and Taped Conversations exhibition was in Kiasma 23.2.-28.4. 2002.
This exhibition presents her projects from the 1980´s to her recent installations. The catalogue was published on the occasion of Eija-Liisa Ahtila's exhibition Fantasized Persons and Taped Conversations, arranged by Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki and Tate Modern, London.
Eija-Liisa Ahtilas works combine the skills of a visual artist and filmmaker in a unique way. At the general human level, Ahtila´s ability to find the core of tails with her psychologically accurate intuition creates touching episodes, for which cinematographic and spatial narrative provide multi-layered forms available to various interpretations. -Tuula Karjalainen-
Exhibitions were on spring 2002 in Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki and on summer 2002 in Tate Modern, London.
The exhibition and the book are part of Eija-Liisa Ahtila's Doctorate in Fine Arts at Academy of Fine Arts in Helsinki.
- Publisher: A Museum of Contemporary Art publication 80/2002.
- Editor: Maria Hirvi.
- Writers: Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Tuula Karjalainen, Sir Nicholas Serota, Kaja Silverman, Daniel Birnbaum, Taru Elfvig, Kari Yli-Annala.
- ISBN 951-53-2395-9
- Size 25 x 28 cm, 248 pages.
- Hardcover.
- Language Finnish and English.